Sunday, 9 October 2011

waiting, rejection and 90 seconds of christianity - DNYHM vol 6.

Now, let's cover my second week in New York. Not nearly as busy as the first week and I held back with my applications while waiting to hear from the ones I had interviewed with, slightly (read: majorly) blown away by the overall response. 

For Monday (September 26) I had to make a video for sourcing company BAMKO following my successful application. What the hell. I don't want to work in sourcing! Hence, they didn't get a video. Also, check out their website. How evil looking?

On Tuesday I had a phone interview with The Charter Network for the role as Marketing Assistant. My friend said the website looked like some sort of Scientology organisation. It does. Phone interview went alright and they said they would get back to me at the end of the week. They did. I didn't get it. Pheew. If it would have been offered to me it would have been a "no" - so everyone's happy! (Tom Cruise too. Suri, not so much.)

On Wednesday I had my interview with Oriel Wines. My favourite by miles, and miles and miles (not Davis)! Was given a bottle of wine to take with me. How awesome? I left after being introduced to everyone in the office, wanting it more than any other of the internships I had applied for. Gave up my atheism for about a minute and a half and prayed to baby Jesus that I would get the job.

Did I? Maybe I did.

At the very end of the week I had a casual Sunday interview with blogger Rachel, the girl behind Pizza Rulez. I can't even begin to describe how good it felt to (professionally) swear during an interview. Waiting to hear back from her. (Maybe I should have washed my mouth pre-interview? Nah. Allow.)

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