It was a regular day. Grey. Dreary. Scottish.
I left the computer lab and thought I'd go and snoop around in Blackwells (that's a bookstore people!) before heading home. I was lurking around the business/marketing section when one book cover (never, EVER underestimate the power of a good book cover) caught my eye.
It was this one:
What the book says is pretty much to hell with traditional and interruption marketing and bring on the real and the personal. Let me break it down for you real quick: NO MORE BULLSHIT.
This is so right, it couldn't be more right. It's like I'd written it myself (except that I didn't).
As I was sitting there, flicking through it, I thought to myself: "So this is what the latest edition of the Holy Bible looks like?" And everyone should now know, that I've converted from atheism to unmarketism. And Scott Stratten is God.
This is the truth. The whole truth. And NOTHING but the truth.
So help me Scott.
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