Monday, 24 January 2011

be afraid of your parents.

When you're a kid there is (usually) no one you trust more than your parents. These people (called mum and dad) are consumers. Consumers with habits. Consumers with brand preferences. These are automatically projected onto you, being the helpless little rascal that you are. Eventually, you having this enormous trust in your parents, the greatest influencers during the early stages of your life - COULD RUIN YOUR LIFE.

Being members of different generations and growing up under completely different social and economic circumstances (duh) you will clearly have different needs and desires as consumers. This is a fact your parents will not take into consideration when raising you. And then, then comes the day when you're hanging out at your friend's house and they have that product from that brand that your parents have completely banned from your life.
And then you try it.
And you love it.
And then you hate your parents. Because they have been keeping this amazing thing away from you your entire life.

In my case it was cereal (boom, what a let down, sorry!). Not any cereal, but Honey Monster's Sugar Puffs.

So, what I'm trying to say is (for any, you know, 5-year-olds or so reading this):

Be afraid of your parents. Be very afraid.

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