Wednesday, 28 September 2011

lies and wines - DNYHM vol 4.

Yesterday morning I had another interview. This time it was with The Charter Network. It was the usual "How did you find out about us and why did you apply?" combined with "Why do you want this job?" (Marketing Assistant). It went alright considering I hate phone interviews with a passion. They can't see my body language, accompanying gestures and funny faces. And I make some gooood faces from time to time, I'll tell you that. They should be witnessed in person - not imagined. Also, sarcasm doesn't tend to work that well over the phone either. Not that this was the kind of organisation where sarcasm would have been overly appreciated. So I kept my cool. They said they would get back to me at the end of this week and we hung up.

And then I realised. Before I left Europe I told my friends a massive lie. I said I would take any job at any company as long as there would be potential to grow within the company, climb the corporate ladder etc etc. That's not true. I will not. I simply can't take a job at a company where I wouldn't feel passionate about the company, the brand and the product/service. I would die on the inside. My integrity would be irreparable. So with that being said. I take it back. I will only accept an internship/job offer at a company where I feel that I'm working towards something, creating something, have a massive impact as to what happens with the brand and how people perceive it. Don't mess with passion, people! I'd rather go home broke and heartbroken than live in New York with no integrity. Turns out, I'm not a sell out. Damn it.

Enough of that. Today I headed down to Soho for an interview with Oriel Wines. What can I say... I want to work there. Badly. So much stuff going on - good stuff, exciting stuff. And it's not every day you leave an interview with a bottle of wine. Kudos. K-U-D-O-S.

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