Tuesday, 23 August 2011

the bold, the beautiful and the lady at the bank.

So I cycled in to town today to run some errands (sort out student loan and buy a tooth brush, pretty major). The lady at the bank first scared me and then pissed me off, classic bank scenarios. She first scared me by going "Whoaa, you've got a big loan!". Sigh. No, lady banker, it's standard. Also, don't talk to me like I'm a kid, I'm 25 (shiiiiiiit, I'm 25!?). Then she asked if I had finsihed university, that's when I realised: Yes. Yes, I have. She then asked me what was next. I said I was moving to New York. This results in her saying: "Oh, you are moving there for a man then?"

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10...... breath.

Most ridiculous question of the year, congratulations!
Lady banker, no. This is something your generation of women might have been all about. Not today, not me. Instead of giving her a much deserved lesson on generational differences, I bit my tongue, smiled and said: "No, I'm going there because I've wanted to live there ever since I first visited New York in 2007".

I'm what they call a "quester". Someone who goes to New York on a quest for something. In this case, that's a job. If this is a dream permeated by naivety, then so be it. If reality gives me a big, fat slap in the face, I'd welcome it. Embrace it. Hell, I'd even put it on my lap, brush its hair and sing a song to it. Because the truth is, not nearly enough people are lucky to receive a reality-check.

But that's something I will deal with in September. Now, I will go to Barcelona where I will spend a week strolling down the streets, forget to put on sunblock, struggle with my Spanish and drink cocktails I wouldn't be caught dead with anywhere else but in Spain. And I most definitely will ignore the potential for a double dip. Hey recession! I'm in Barcelona, bitch.

Until reality.

Friday, 12 August 2011

crunch time is closing in.

One week (that's seven days!) until my MSc final project is due - things are coming together, despite a few technological bumps in the road.

Last night I tried to publish my site, as promised by the trailer, but the server simply refused to pick up on the CSS.
I wanted to die. (A bit dramatic, but.. yeah.) But you know what they say; if you don't like the situation, change it. If you can't change it - leave it. So I left it, and went to bed.

A very wise decision, because this morning, the server sloooowly, slooooooooowly started to realise that I had uploaded a whole bunch of stuff to it.

So now people, the alpha version of www.bangonthemoney.com is LIVE! It's still awaiting social media integration and other bits and bobs but it's on its way!

The remaining part of the final project won't go live until mid-September and will then be accessible through the main website.

But for now - pop by kids!
Feedback and suggestions are much welcome, just use the contact form!

Have a bangin' weekend everyone!

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

desperate is never a good look.

So this is what's annoying me the most at the moment.
(Click to enlarge.)

 And again...

I think people on Facebook are well aware of the process of making a website your homepage. No need to tell us. Not now. Not twice. Not like that.

Reeks of desperation Mark, reeks.