Wednesday, 30 March 2011

a novel and a bitch slap later.

When finishing up at Hot Tin Roof last week I was reading through my blog post named "The Landing Page - a novel by Johanna M. Johansson". Obviously it's not a novel. But it's long. It's about how to customise your Facebook fan page using the FBML app explained in a very straightforward and humorous way (in case you haven't picked up on this yet: I'm funny!) Aaanyways, when reading through it I was also browsing around for Social Media news.

There it was:
"FBML is dead. Start using iFrame tabs now for free."

What a slap in the face! But. That is the nature of the digital landscape. It moves
quickly, ruthlessly and usually without warning! (Facebook honestly, what about a "hey everyone we're not gonna use FBML anymore" before the iframes launch? Just saying. A bit of a heads up would have been nice. Totally casual.)

Good news is that the switch from FBML apps to iframes won’t have any effect on your fan page. The FBML tabs will still work in the same way, you can edit them in the same old fashion, you just can’t add any new ones (as of March 11 they claimed, however I had a go at this and I was adding away! Liars.)! Which ultimately means that my "novel" was not in vain.

So thanks. I guess.

Monday, 28 March 2011

final days and first heys.

I didn't even realise my last post was well over a week ago. Breaking my own blogging rules. Again.
Well well. What's not done was not done!

Was a busy week so blog had to be put aside, I mean it was either that or not having an animation to show for our presentation Thursday night. I'm sure the decision to avoid the latter from happening was perfectly understandable. Our short film seemed to be a crowd pleaser (at least Dan and I were laughing our bums off), I'll bust up a film poster (not allowed to put it up on Youtube due to... conflicts of interest? ..also known as lack of humour) to give you an idea of what kind of animation it was.

Worked my last day at Hot Tin Roof on Friday. I bought them brownies and they bought me a mug. Which turned out to be the best parting gift ever as Office Manager Zoe at Whitespace when showing me around today mentioned I could bring in my own mug! Hollah!

Whitespace first floor (or second floor it would be referred to as back home, well well, adapt!)
See that desk at the far end by the windows? That's where I hang out (and a massive bumble bee).
Own mug and own email in one day. Winning!

Digital Production Intern

Saturday, 19 March 2011

Facebook upped the ante.

Facebook email has finally arrived!
I've only got one thing to say about this: rad.

Interface is clean and simple, take a photo or record a video with your web cam and include it in the message, attach files, send as text message and so on (and oh my frickin' god this is freeee and you can send and receive emails from any other email account!)... this is already awesome and it's only going to get better! Bananas!

Here are some shocking numbers for you:

Hotmail: 362 million users
Yahoo!: 273 million users
Gmail: 193 million users
Facebook email: Potentially 600 million users

Hotmail still in the lead? What? I thought everyone stopped using Hotmail, say, 2 B.C. (Before Christ = Mark Zuckerberg)
Almost disturbing.

Full story here:

Facebook fever yes!
  • Hotmail: 362million users.
  • Yahoo!: 273million users.
  • Gmail: 193million users.
  • '': Potentially 500million users for its new messaging service.
  • Hotmail: 362million users.
  • Yahoo!: 273million users.
  • Gmail: 193million users.
  • '': Potentially 500million users for its new messaging service.
  • Hotmail: 362million users.
  • Yahoo!: 273million users.
  • Gmail: 193million users.
  • '': Potentially 500million users for its new messaging service.
  • Sunday, 13 March 2011

    "fail to care for properly"

    I've neglected my blog to the fullest lately so now I feel the pressure to write something truly epic, ground breaking and soul shaking. But I'm afraid my brain is experiencing some very low levels of epicness at the moment due to ColdFusion mindfuck (pardon my language but it's really the only way I can describe it) followed by several 3D "LocRotScale" and texture sessions.

    I could always write something half hearted.
    Or I could show you this:

    Teaser, they call it.
    There's more to come. Loads.

    Stay online people!

    Thursday, 3 March 2011

    pave it forward. (or not.)

    When I walked to the computer lab this morning I spotted a tragic attempt at Guerrilla Marketing in the form of pavement marketing.
    I was walking down South Clerk Street when I spotted the first.. doodle. Didn't think much of it until I passed the next one that read something about a "hip hop club night". That's when I thought: "...". Then I passed the third one which was unreadable and might as well have been in Mandarin (shit, maybe it was?).

    These people probably thought they were being sort of... edgy.

    Anyhow, now let me tell you what you did wrong:

    1. Chalk.
    Really? No, I mean: REALLY?! Last time I checked we live in Edinburgh. It kind of rains here. Kind of often. That means the chalk will be washed away. (This is a WILD assumption, of course.)

    2. You chose a busy street.
    Fair enough if your reasoning was that a lot of people will see this and it's also a route many students take every day. BUT. That also means people don't have time to stop and take a second look. Guerrilla Marketing is about targeting people in unexpected places. A place where people would (have the time to) stop and think: "man, that's clever".

    3. The message.
    It's supposed to be entertaining and engaging: Witty, intriguing and a little bit of a teaser, maybe even provoking - don't give it all away! Don't write "Hip hop night at Club X, drinks only £2.50. See you there". (No, you won't see me there.)

    Guerrilla Marketing is a great word-of-mouth generator. If it's a good GM stunt that is.
    I'm telling you now, that I WON'T tell my friends about this. (Well I will tell them how you failed miserably.)

    Jay Conrad Levinson. Google him.

    Tuesday, 1 March 2011

    i've created a monster.

    This is who is currently ruining my life:

    As much as I enjoy our 3D project sometimes I would just like to... you know.